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Angels & Tarot Reading

Angels are pure beings of Divine Light who want to help you with every aspect of your life, carrying messages between God and us. Angels do not have egos or judgment. They love to be of service to us all. All we need to do is simply ask for their assistance.

Sonya connects with your guardian angels and archangels to heal and harmonize aspects of your life by helping you to receive Divine Guidance. You may wish to ask the angels about your relationships, career, and any other life challenges. During the readings, you may also connect with your loved ones in the spirit world. 

You will be guided to set your own intentions to be open to the highest good you can imagine for yourself. Sonya will begin the readings by channeling messages of divine guidance from your angels, guides, and any loved ones. During this time, you are welcome to ask questions. Sonya will share those messages and will use beautiful and inspirational angel cards and/or tarot cards to do a past, present, and future readings. During the reading, Sonya is also using her energy healing to remove and clear issues surrounding any blocks that may come up during that time. 

The Universe has granted us all the gifts of free will and free choice. Your reading will be a reflection of where you are at this time and the possibilities that are open to you, so that at any point in time you can make a different choice. The angels will deliver the gifts of inspiration and hope to empower you to make choices needed. It is your job to take action and co-create with the angels so you can create the life you truly desire. 


1 hour: $160.00

1.5 hours: $220.00

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